Gen Z prefers blue-collar jobs. Or does it?  Data Lab has the story.



This chart says something, but it’s not what you think.

August 28, 2024

The correlation between bad practices and spuriousness

People today have access to more data than ever before, and correlations can be a useful way to identify relationships. What follows is a lesson in how to get them wrong.
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December Employee Motivation and Commitment Index
December Employee Motivation and Commitment Index

December 19, 2023

EMC Index rises in December

by ADP Research

December 2023

The ADP Research Institute Employee Motivation and Commitment Index rose in December to 112, ending 2023 on a steady climb in the fourth quarter.

Information, a sector that includes workers in television and motion pictures, rebounded after a four-month slump, jumping 58 points to 110.

“With strikes in the rearview, our data probably reflects writers and actors ...

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EMC Index rose in November
EMC Index rose in November

November 21, 2023

EMC Index rose in November

by ADP Research

Here’s the latest update on employee motivation and commitment from our monthly employee sentiment survey.
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Employee Motivation and Commitment Index
Employee Motivation and Commitment Index

October 24, 2023

EMC Index rose in October

by ADP Research

The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index tracks how people think and feel about their jobs and employers. By providing a real-time measure of the state of worker allegiance, the EMC Index can tell us whether workers are flourishing in their jobs, or detaching.
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