Gen Z prefers blue-collar jobs. Or does it?  Data Lab has the story.



This chart says something, but it’s not what you think.

August 28, 2024

The correlation between bad practices and spuriousness

People today have access to more data than ever before, and correlations can be a useful way to identify relationships. What follows is a lesson in how to get them wrong.
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In this article, we go deeper into our Global Worker Survey data on good stress (eustress) and bad (distress), focusing on each end of the scale – the thriving and the overloaded.
In this article, we go deeper into our Global Worker Survey data on good stress (eustress) and bad (distress), focusing on each end of the scale – the thriving and the overloaded.

March 27, 2024

Workplace stress: It’s complicated

by Mary Hayes, Ph.D.Jared Northup

Our 2023 Global Worker Survey shows that geography, job level, and other factors can have a big difference in how people experience stress on the job.
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Global engagement rose in 2023 to a record high of 18%.
Global engagement rose in 2023 to a record high of 18%.

March 26, 2024

Employee engagement is up. Hybrid work – and teamwork – deserve the credit

by Mary Hayes, Ph.D.Jared Northup

Employee engagement hit a record high in 2023, but we found big variations based on geography, remote work, and teams.
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Employee Motivation and Commitment Index - March 2024
Employee Motivation and Commitment Index - March 2024

March 19, 2024

Employee sentiment rose in March 

by ADP Research

The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index ended the first quarter of 2024 on a high note, rising to 119 in March.
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Share of workers who feel they are paid unfairly, by global region.
Share of workers who feel they are paid unfairly, by global region.

March 12, 2024

It’s not the size of your paycheck. It’s how you feel about it.

by Mary Hayes, Ph.D.Jared Northup

The ADP Research Institute’s annual Global Workplace Study looks at data from 28,000 workers in 28 countries who responded to the following statement: “My pay is fair for the work I do.”
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The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index - February 2024
The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index - February 2024

February 20, 2024

Employee sentiment rose in February

by ADP Research

The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index rose two points in February to 111.
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Employee Motivation and Commitment Index - February 2024
Employee Motivation and Commitment Index - February 2024

January 16, 2024

EMC Index fell in January

by ADP Research

The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index fell 3 points in January to 109.
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People with no intent to leave their employer are more likely to see HR as a net positive.
People with no intent to leave their employer are more likely to see HR as a net positive.

January 9, 2024

Want to boost HR’s value proposition? There’s an app for that

by Mary Hayes, Ph.D.Jared Northup

HR departments have many responsibilities that affect the employee experience - and some of these may lead to greater retention.
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December Employee Motivation and Commitment Index
December Employee Motivation and Commitment Index

December 19, 2023

EMC Index rises in December

by ADP Research

December 2023

The ADP Research Institute Employee Motivation and Commitment Index rose in December to 112, ending 2023 on a steady climb in the fourth quarter.

Information, a sector that includes workers in television and motion pictures, rebounded after a four-month slump, jumping 58 points to 110.

“With strikes in the rearview, our data probably reflects writers and actors ...

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