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Employee sentiment rose in March 

March 19, 2024

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March 2024

The ADP Research Institute Employee Motivation and Commitment Index ended the first quarter of 2024 on a high note, rising to 119 in March, a level last seen 12 months ago.

Among sectors, manufacturing led the way with a 40-point gain from February to its highest level since September 2022.

“In January, manufacturing had its lowest retention level in data going back to December 2021,” said Dr. Mary Hayes, director of People and Performance Research at the ADP Research Institute. “This month’s increase in motivation and commitment for manufacturing suggests that the sector might have a running start to retain workers in 2024.”

In January, ADPRI revised the Employee Sentiment Survey to align its sector demographics with the North American Industry Classification System. Some sectors previously displayed in the EMC Index have been regrouped into NAICS categories, and other sectors have been added. The new categories will be displayed later this year as more data is collected and trend lines are established.

The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index tracks how people think and feel about their jobs and employers. By providing a real-time measure of the state of worker allegiance, it can tell us whether workers are flourishing in their jobs or detaching.

The ADP Research Institute publishes the EMC Index on the third Tuesday of every month. The next release will be April 16. For EMC Index historical data, visit ADPRI’s Data Lab.